Our user-friendly outage map shows you up-to-date information about power outages in Nova Scotia. Our outage map is intended to give you a geographical view of power outages across the province. You can access the map from anywhere, from any device
to get view outages affecting you or your family. Zoom, search or allow us to find your location to see your estimated restoration time, outage cause, and more.
The map shows all outages affecting fewer than five customers to outages affecting over 5,000 customers. Multiple outages in a certain area will be clustered together and expand into different coloured outage icons when you zoom in. The colours
represent different sized outages. Learn more about the map here.
You can also report your outage directly from the outage map by clicking on the triangle icon. Report your outage in three quick steps. You just need your postal code and your phone number OR your NS Power account number.
You may report an outage from your cell phone, or any device with data, and we’ll receive it instantly.
Be sure to use the outage map to stay up to date on the latest restoration information.
For more information about how we plan for and respond to outages and what you can do to be prepared, visit our Outage Centre.
Find more info here