Maritime Link

Maritime Link


Transmission Services


Maritime Link - Total Transmission Capability (TTC)/ Available Transmission Capacity (ATC)

Maritime Link - Transmission Losses Based on A&R NSTUA

The loss calculation is based on A&R NSTUA effective dated 31st Day of July 2014 schedule 3 methodology. 

Off-Peak Hours” means the time from but excluding 2300 APT to and including 0700 APT, of the immediately following day, for each day; 

Peak Hours” means the time from but excluding 0700 APT to and including 2300 APT on the same day;

Monthly Transmissions Losses since August 2022

Maritime Link - Monthly Transmission Losses Based on A&R NSTUA (PDF)

Monthly Transmission Losses

July 2023: Calculated based on forecast dispatch

Hours ML Export/Wheels Losses
Peak205 MW 1.5 %
Off-Peak 284 MW 1.7 %


Maritime Link is now approved to have import up to full capacity i.e.475 MW at NS.
Based on July forecasted dispatch above is the available energy for wheels. 


Details of the calculations contain confidential customer load information and are not publicly available. The data can be provided to eligible Transmission Customers on request


Maritime Link - Loss Factor

NSPML has recalculated the Transmission Loss Factor as required by the Emera and NALCOR Transmission Service Agreements.

The calculated loss factor to be applied for Maritime Link transactions for the period below is 4.93%.

To calculate the loss factor as outlined in the ECA, transfers from the thirteen-month rolling window containing July 2023 to July 2024.


The next update will be published by September 10th, 2024.

Loss Factor (%)
Date Loss Factor (%)
15-Aug-2024 to 14-Sep-20244.93
15-Jul-2024 to 14-Aug-20244.90
15-Jun-2024 to 14-Jul-20244.85
15-May-2024 to 14-Jun-20244.79
15-Apr-2024 to 14-May-20244.77
15-Mar-2024 to 14-Apr-20244.70
15-Feb-2024 to 14-Mar-20244.74
15-Jan-2024 to 14-Feb-20244.77
15-Dec-2023 to 14-Jan-20244.76
15-Nov-2023 to 14-Dec-20234.75
15-Oct-2023 to 14-Nov-20234.71
15-Sep-2023 to 14-Oct-20234.63
15-Aug-2023 to 14-Sep-20234.55
15-Jul-2023 to 14-Aug-20234.50

The information on this page was updated on August 09, 2024.

If there are any issues with OASIS please contact