Statement from NS Power President & CEO Peter Gregg

February 2, 2022

Statement from NS Power President & CEO Peter Gregg:

We respect the role of government and the UARB. Our team of 2000 employees across Nova Scotia at Nova Scotia Power have and continue to support the greening of the grid and getting off coal by 2030, a path we’ve been on for over 15 years.  We are committed to working together with government and stakeholders to meet our shared climate goals.

To that end, it is clear to us that the complexity of the Solar Net Metering issue means the right decision is to withdraw our application for the System Access Charge and we will immediately take the necessary steps to do so.  As we stated yesterday, it is important to us to find solutions that support the important role of renewables to achieve these climate goals, and to ensure fairness for all Nova Scotia customers, which we remain committed to doing.

Peter Gregg, NS Power President & CEO