Outdoor Recreation Lighting Tariff

Outdoor Recreation Lighting Tariff


This tariff is available to all outdoor recreational lighting for the period of May through October only.


Energy Charge

18.204¢ per kilowatt hour for all metered kilowatt hours per month.


Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.

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