In the Spotlight: Women in linework
From repairing high voltage lines, to restoring power during storms, our powerline technicians help keep electricity flowing to homes and businesses across Nova Scotia, every day.
The job can be tough. But for those who love staying active, spending their days outdoors, and working as a team, it’s exciting, rewarding work – and safety is always at the forefront.
With National Lineworker Appreciation Day coming up on July 10, we spoke to four women in the trade. In Canada, women represent only one to two per cent of active powerline technicians. Powerline Technicians (PLTs) Sophia Creaser and Megan Parrott, and Apprentices, Dyana Reid and Bethany Locke chatted with us about their experience
in the field, breaking down barriers, and encouraging more women to get into the trade.
Sophia Creaser
| Megan Parrott
| Dyana
| Bethany Locke
What’s the best part about working in the field?
Sophia Creaser, Powerline Technician - Halifax: “I love linework and working during storms—it’s challenging, but you feel a sense of accomplishment. Even when the work is tough, at the end of the day, when you see a
customer’s face—whether you’re getting the lights back on during a storm or building a new line to their dream house—there’s no better feeling. You know you’ve made a difference.”
Megan Parrott, Powerline Technician - Sydney, Cape Breton: “I like troubleshooting and solving problems, figuring out why the lights are off. There’s a process to it:you start at one end of the line and work to the other to
find the issue. Once you find the problem, you work together to fix it— sometimes it’s a simple solution, and other times it could be isolating the line and changing a pole, or getting tree trimmers in.”
Dyana Reid, Powerline Technician Apprentice - Sydney, Cape Breton: "I love being outside and have already learned so much. The first year of the apprenticeship can be tough. That’s when you learn the fundamentals like climbing
poles—you feel strong! The other power line technicians have your back and that’s a good feeling.We always look out for each other, and safety comes first.”
Bethany Locke, Powerline Technician Apprentice - Truro: “I love seeing different parts of the province. All the PLTs I’ve worked with have had different things to teach me—I’ve had amazing mentors show me the ropes.
Now, I get to develop my own style of line work from all the people I’ve learned from so far.”
No two days are the same when you’re working in the field. What are some of the unexpected or exciting parts of your job?
Sophia: “Storms are busy and demanding. It can be long days, and tough weather but it’s so rewarding. Everyone is putting in the work to get the lights back on. We work together as a team and get it done.
I’ve learned new things I never thought I could tackle—I’m now trained in using a chain saw!”
Dyana: “There are days the wind is blowing, and your eyelashes are frozen, but it’s so worth it. You feel strong and proud! Whether you’re moving up and down the truck, carrying your tools and gear or hauling up a crossarm
to make a repair, you’re always active.”
Megan: “There’s so much that goes on behind the scenes during storms. From getting traffic control on site, to bringing in a backhoe that can help you get the job done, or a new transformer from the depot, there’s a
lot of work and dedication that goes into it that customers might not realize when their power is out.”
Bethany: “I’ve pushed myself in ways I never dreamed possible. It’s amazing to grow and learn and see what you’re made of. Things like driving the bucket truck long distances or working long hours during a storm
make me feel a huge sense of accomplishment.”
What would you like other women to know that are considering the trade?
Dyana: “The physical aspect of the job can be intimidating at first, but women can do anything. We have the right gear, like pulleys to help you haul a crossarm, to do everything safely.
Women also have different skills to offer that are so important—we’re great problem solvers. If we work together and have more women in the field, it’s better and more efficient.”
Megan: “It’s tough at first, but it’s so worth it. I want more women to know that this is a great career option. I didn’t know about it until my last year of high school. I thought I had to go to university, but
that wasn’t the right fit for me—I like being outdoors and hands-on. I know there are so many other women like me, and we need them in the field. We have to fight the stigma against women in trades.”
Sophia: “This isn’t just a male trade. Women can do anything a man can do!”
Bethany: “It’s a really great job. It can be intimidating to get started, but if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. I’d encourage women to try it out and do a ride along. I’m always happy to share my experience.”
At Nova Scotia Power, we value and promote diversity, equity and inclusion. For more information about our culture and careers at Nova Scotia Power, please visit
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