Like it or not, storm season has arrived. And while we hope that no major weather events come our way this year, it’s important to be prepared, just in case. After all, when you live in Nova Scotia, anything goes when it comes to the weather. It’s why we work throughout the year to stay storm ready. That includes trimming trees across the province that are close to our power lines, collaborating with the Nova Scotia Emergency Management Office, and ensuring we have plans in place to respond to all kinds of storms—from high winds, to snow and ice, to hurricanes.
We’re ready for this storm season, and with these tips, you can stay prepared, too.
Prep your emergency kit.
Our emergency kit checklist outlines everything you need to stay comfortable and safe during an outage. Storing all your emergency essentials like flashlights, water, and non-perishables in one place means you won’t have to scramble in the dark when an outage happens. Keep your kit stocked throughout the year to avoid the last-minute pre-storm rush.
Make an emergency plan for your household.
Your emergency plan should include everything from a safe exit strategy, to health insurance, to the locations of your fire extinguisher, water valve, and electrical panel. Visit Get Prepared for guidelines on what to include, and to make your own plan online.
Post your emergency contacts in one easy to access place.
Write a list with all your local emergency contact numbers. This should include our outage line (1-877-428-6004) where you can report an outage or downed line.
Check your emergency equipment.
Make sure your fire extinguisher, generator, and emergency kit items like flashlights and your battery-powered radio are working properly. If you’re considering installing a generator, ensure it’s safely installed by a qualified electrician.
Use surge protectors.
Surge protectors absorb the excess voltage that can come with having your power restored after an outage. With a surge protector, you can protect your appliances from spikes in voltage. You should also remember to unplug your electrical devices when a storm is on the way.
If you use a health device that is dependent on electricity, sign up for our critical customer communications program.
Customers that rely on essential electrical devices like oxygen machines can sign up to receive advance notice of planned power outages, contact during unplanned outages expected to last more than four hours, and information about the outage cause and expected time the power will be restored. Sign up on our Critical Customer Communications Program page.
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